Call (888) 899-1406 to schedule a free consultation to talk about our medical records review and analysis services for mesothelioma cases.
Mesothelioma cases are some of the most complicated medical cases that attorneys can face. Even when it’s clear how, when, and where your client was exposed to asbestos, in order to ensure a successful outcome, that exposure has to be directly tied to mesothelioma.
The Complexity Of Mesothelioma Lawsuits
We know that exposure to asbestos can cause harm to different parts of the body, and no two people will necessarily have the same reaction to the same exposure. Primarily, asbestos exposure attacks the lungs, heart, or stomach, but the severity can vary from person to person.
While our understanding of the human body is greater than its ever been, and medicine and diagnostic tools are at their most advanced stages ever, there’s still so much that we don’t know. And the correlation between cause and effect in mesothelioma cases can be tricky to prove.
That’s why you need MRN’s experienced legal nurse consultants on your team!
Our Legal Nurse Consultants Have Experience With Mesothelioma Cases
The symptoms of mesothelioma often don’t come to light until years after exposure to asbestos. Add to that the fact that many mesothelioma clients have extensive medical histories (having nothing to do with asbestos exposure), and it becomes clear why you need an expert legal nurse consultant on your team.
At MRN, since 1993, we’ve been providing comprehensive legal nurse consulting services, from early case assessment to full litigation support.